7 Unwanted Expenses you should Plug Now

Credit Card Late Fees

RBI mandates that Late fees can be charged only 3 days after due date Late payment of Credit card can attract Interest and Late fees which is really a waste of Money

Extended Warranties

Car Warranties cover  only break downs and not regular maintenance. Warranty also comes with Terms and Conditions which are not useful for the consumer

Annual Maintenance Contract

In AMC upfront payment is too high and you get only few preventive check up. In each check - up you end paying some charges toward damaged equipment

Subscription for Entertainment Platform

We normally subscribe to various Streaming Platforms like Netflix, Sony LIV etc. However, we end up watching only one regularly. Therefore paying annual subscription to multiple platform is a waster of money

Hoarding Unwanted Products

Many of us hoard products anticipating a need some day. However, except critical medicine we shouldn't hold any not required material

Landline Phones

Most of us use mobile phone for communication. However, we still have Landline phones. You should keep Landlines phones that comes free with your internet connection

Impulse Spending

As a Golden Rule when you feel you want a new Gadget or Sneakers. Don't purchase it right away. Give it 2 or 3 days. If you still feel the need than Purchase it.