POSP are Insurance agent who sale insurance directly to customers

Create a Blog 

Blogging has become an important tool for making money online However, difficulty level to learn web development is high

Freelance Writer

Freelance writers has flexible work hrs. Can create contents for clients across Industry 

Earn Money on Fiverr

Fiverr, the well-known freelancing platform, offers incredible prospects for anyone looking to make money online.

Sell Photos Online

If you have a passion for photography and want to make money online, selling photos is an option for you.

Make Youtube videos

Youtube has 2 billion monthly active users and number is increasing daily. If you have good communication and Videography skills your can earn money from Youtube

Start Investing

Many will not believe but small and regular monthly investment can make you rich over a period of time

Create Online Courses

E-learning has become very popular in past few years, making it ideal for  launch of a  business around on the sell of online courses.

Create and Sell Ebooks

Writing ebooks for can be a good passive income. If you are an expert on a subject

Thank You

To read detailed article on 10 ways to make money onllne click here and visit blog  https://wealtgyan.in