10 Best Ways to Make Money Online

10 Best ways to make Money Online


All of us think of side hustle to earn more money. What better way than doing from comfort of your home. In this article we will discuss 10 Best ways to make money online

In fact, earning money is very popular way to earn some extra income. You can do it full time or part time.

Is it quicker to make money online than traditional methods?

There is no straight answer to this. It is important to be watchful of any fast money making schemes. There are frauds who will sell business ideas of making money fast. However, we should know there is no shortcut to success. People who promise that you can make crores in few days are trying to take advantage of you. Therefore it’s important to focus on legitimate ways to make money.

Even though there are lots of ways to earn money online, you need to evaluate each way based on your skill set and time that you can spend. There are plenty of amazing ideas out there. You have skill set that lot of other people would like to use. You need to find them to make money online.

Work as an Insurance POSP

Earning PotentialHigh Provided you are dedicated to your Job.
Skill LevelCommunication Skills, Marketing Skills and Financial Planning Skills
Difficulty Level to LearnModerate

Becoming a POSP (also known as a Point of Salesperson) is a productive approach to make money online. POSPs are insurance agents who sale insurance policies directly to customers.

What you need is an internet connection and good smart phone.

Traditionally insurance agents were associated with one insurance company. POSPs are associated with corporate insurance agents and can sell products of all companies. Further unlike traditional agents who sold only one segment. POSPs through their corporate agents can sell products of all segments (i.e. Life, Health and Motor Insurance).

To qualify as an insurance POSP you need to be over 18 years of age, should have completed 10th grade and along with 15 hour compulsory training provided by IRDAI. Income is on commission basis and more policies you sell more money you earn.

Create a Blog to Make Money Online

Earning PotentialHigh. Need a lot of Hard work
Skill LevelWeb-development Knowledge, Subject expertise, writing ability and social media skills
Difficulty level to learnHigh

In today’s digital age, blogging has developed as a significant tool for not only expressing oneself but also earning a good living. Blogging has enormous potential to make money online. Bloggers may build a devoted following by generating valuable and entertaining material.  

If you don’t have your own products to offer. Affiliate marketing is a method of making money online by promoting the products of others on your website. The sponsoring firm pays you a commission every time someone clicks on the link. There are several affiliate networks with a long list of firms where you may join and become an affiliate marketer.

Adding AdSense advertisements to your site is another option to earn money online. You receive payment each time an ad is clicked. It’s a viable option for generating passive income.

Become Freelance Writer to Earn Money Online.

Earning PotentialGood
Skill LevelSEO proficiencies, Research and Writing skills and creativity.  
Difficulty level to learnHigh

Almost everything you see online has been authored by someone. This includes almost all advertisements, marketing materials, guides, and ebooks.

There is no mandatory qualification required for freelancer. However, good writing skills is a pre-requisite to become a freelancer.

One important point to consider before becoming a freelance writer is to evaluate your strengths and interest on the topics which you want to write. Normally employers prefer hiring freelancers who are subject area expert. For example, if you are a finance graduate or a professional you can get a job of freelance writer.

Create Etsy Store to sell Product Online

Earning PotentialGood
Skill LevelMarketing Skills, Creativity and Craft related skills  
Difficulty level to learnModerate

Etsy is the flourishing online marketplace that offers substantial opportunity to entrepreneurs trying to make money online.

Etsy is a one in kind marketplace that brings together a large group of artistic people to the worldwide audience. Whether you’re a gifted artist, a skillful artisan, or a passionate designer, Etsy is the ideal platform for monetizing your work.

The options on this platform are boundless, and they range from handcrafted Jewellery to individualised items of home design. You can tap into a profitable market and develop a successful online company.

Make Money online through Fiverr

Earning PotentialModerate
Skill LevelAny online skills that has a customer and Good time management 
Difficulty level to learnModerate

Fiverr, the well-known freelancing platform, offers incredible prospects for anyone looking to make money online.

Fiverr enables freelancers to monetize their talents and knowledge through its vast selection of services and global reach.

Like Etsy it provides level playing field for presenting your skills and interacting with your clients around the world.

By creating creative offerings, delivering quality work and garnering positive review you can attract steady stream of customers and steadily increase your earnings.

Sell Online Photos

Earning PotentialRs 5 to 25 per image (Depends on Photograph)
Skill LevelPhotography skills and Market understanding
Difficulty level to learnModerate

If you have a passion for photography and want to make money online, selling photos is an option for you.

Whether you’re a professional or amateur photographer, you can monetize by selling  images online, and you don’t even need a fancy camera to do it. In reality, you have a fighting chance if you have a good smartphone camera and a steady hand.

You can submit quality images with people in it to stock libraries. It is important to note to include people you need to take their consent.

Make Youtube Videos

Earning PotentialRs 50 to Rs 60 for 1000 view
Skill LevelGood Voice and Communications. Good content creation skills and knowledge of using video
Difficulty level to learnHigh

Youtube tops the list when it comes to video content platforms.

Individuals from all walks of life may begin their YouTube adventure with basic equipment. To become a Youtuber, no fundamental qualifications or work experience are necessary. This broadens the opportunity for Indians from all around the country to join this platform.

Youtube has 2 billion monthly active users. Among these there are more than, 30 million subscribers. Creators may attract crores of viewers by choosing a clever subject and employing a few video blogging tactics.

The more creative and quality rich videos one uploads, the more possibility of to get a higher number of views.

Start Investing! Let Money Make Money for You

Earning PotentialDepends on the Risk Apetite have.
Skill LevelHigh (You can take a service of an expert on the matter)                     
Difficulty level to learnModerate to High depending on the Investment you make.

This doesn’t needs an introduction. Most people are aware about the incredible potential of making money in Stock Markets, Bonds and Crypto currency.  However, you should also factor the decline in these markets.

There are many who feels that they cannot invest in stock market because they don’t have enough money to do so.

There is no minimum balance required for investment. You may choose from wide variety of brokerage platforms available for stock and bond market investment.

Your returns are directly proportional to the risk you take. Therefore always advisable to take an help of a financial expert on the matter.

Create online course

Earning PotentialGood
Skill LevelExpertise in one subject area, presentation and marketing skills  
Difficulty level to learnModerate

In India, marketing online courses has developed into a full-time occupation that may bring in a substantial revenue.

Thanks to the pandemic, many physical institutes, and coaching establishments have closed down and students have turned to online sources to gain knowledge.

E-learning has become very popular in past few years, making the present the ideal moment to launch a business centered on the sale of online courses.

Selling online courses may bring in anywhere from Rs 20k to Rs60k per month, and many people who design online courses are already achieving this level of success.

Create and Sell Ebooks.

Earning PotentialModerate
Skill LevelExpertise in one subject area or good knowledge in trending topics
Difficulty level to learnHigh

Writing ebooks for money is a passive form of money-making strategies that many pursue, especially after pandemic.

The expertise required in ebook creation is hard. But once created you need to concentrate on sales and marketing.

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